These levels are locations all over the world that differ significantly from one another. Hunting Unlimited 2010 contains a variety of levels in which you can hunt. They often act is strange or stupid ways, such as running in circles after you've shot at them (which takes away from some of the realism)

One issue when it comes to the gameplay is the behavior of animals. Once you've finished bagging all the animals you can or run out of time, you can end the hunt and begin a completely new one. Sometimes these tags are only for a specific type of animal, while others they can be used for anything. You have three tags, which means you can only “bag” (collect) that many animals. The mode will also determine what type of animals you can catch. Depending on the mode, you may be thrown right into the action or have to do a bit of tracking and work to find your prey.

Once you've setup your hunter, you select the mode you want to play and any options for that mode. You can create a hunter profile that lets you set your hunter's name, as well as adjust their look. To start hunting, you'll need a hunter profile. This game provides an excellent hunting experience. A bullet cam lets you watch your shots in slow motion as you take down animals. The different modes let you just right into the action, hone your skills, create your own missions, or setup your own hunts. Several tutorial missions teach you the basic controls, as well as some hunting tips and techniques. There are a host of locations to hunt in, ranging from the South Central Plains to the Pacific Northwest. Hunting Unlimited 2010 is a thrilling hunting game that will having you hunting down everything from deadly bears to harmless turkeys.