He jammed a pellet in the barrel, panicked, did not tell me, then tried to 'fix' the problem by firing more pellets (no, I could not even make this up!). I had an almost mint 790 that I loaned to a neighbor for squirrel control. If you're new to this blog and need repair information on the Daisy guns, check the blog index for 'Smith and Wesson 78G' as Nick and I have cataloged the bulk of the work there. For the most part, the parts are all interchangeable, so simpletons that we are, we write about the guns as though they are identical. Keep in mind that the S&W 78G and 79G (.22 and.177 calibers respectively) designs were sold to Daisy in the very early 1980's. At the time, I bought it so I'd have spares for a Smith & Wesson 78G purchased ten minutes earlier. It was in a cardboard box and priced to low to pass on. Here's some of the Daisy 790 parts gun I purchased almost two-and-a-half years ago. Daisy Power Line 41 CO2 handgun parts breakdown. I need a manual for my daisy powerline model 1700 co2 bb.

With easy-to-use features like variable pump. Daisy Powerline 790 Manual Transfer The legendary Crosman Pumpmaster offers a simple solution for the beginning shooter. Daisy bought the airgun division of S&W in 1980 and produced the S&W 78G and 79G as the Daisy 780 and 790.